Saturday, March 10, 2007

Hot Potatoes.

Sex dolls, Osama to the Wiggles, a natural progression I think.
I sometimes like to pop half a dozen or so pain killers and sit and watch the Wiggles but now that fate has stepped in and taken Greg the yellow shirted wonder I just don't want to tune in anymore.
Greg the lead singer with the wiggly hips who would sing such songs as, 'Fruit Salad' and 'Big Red Car' had all the talent, now he was been stricken with a rare illness that means he can't exert himself without getting faint , then no doubt this is leading to the break up of his marriage, has his wife never heard of a vibrator?
Its a shame, isn't it the red shirt that always gets it first? hes a useless cunt why not him instead oh Lord? or the ornamental fellow in the purple that falls asleep all the time, if they can have a 'Wake up Jeff' song in their act then why not a 'Lie doon Greg' song too? the blue fucker with the eating disorder just keeps smiling and smiling once the pills kick in he usually starts to freak me out, take him oh fates .

They were good while they lasted, I can't accept a replacement as they all smile and pretend everything is fine, God has a plan but it sometimes seems very shite.