Sunday, March 18, 2007

How To Save The World.

I don't believe that the children are our future, I think of them as a pack of lazy lay a bouts that may become a source of food in the future.
Its up to great thinkers like Old Knudsen to cum up with a plan to save the world..... again, what you don't remember the attack from the Uranians? them and their sneaky spaceships from Uranus came in from behind Earth and attacked by shooting insanity rays at the Earth with the hope of us self destructing. If it wasn't for the tin foil under me cap I might have gone crazy too, lucky the severed head in my fridge told me to wear it.
It was only the sanity and commonsense to be found on this Blog that caused the rays to turn back on the Ukrainians, Iranians no I mean the Uranians and drove them insane and to open all the windows on their rocket ships thus dying.

They tried to get me with their spies but I was able to kill several Ukrainians, no I mean Uranians , you know I'm old and I get confused by thick accents so I killed and asked questions later.

Anyway Kilamory is short a few migrant workers and panhandlers so I don't think it turned out all too bad, however I may need some fall guys/weemen and alibis so feel free to step up, yes I'm sure all the weemen will want to claim to the police that I spent all night in their beds making wild passionate dirty messy love, can't blame you bragging rights and all perhaps a book deal to tell all, yes Mr Frobisher you too can claim it .
I was lying in bed the other night fondling myself to sleep and then I thought about Al Gore, one thing lead to another and I solved Global warning.
The Earth is 70% water right? and what do you do to cool doon a drink? you put ice cubes into it, fuck I'm brilliant and none of that sciencey stuff involved.
Never trust a scientist or a Thetan, did you know that Tom Cruise wants to produce a movie about the Thetan aliens of Scientology? I'm sure that will be really interesting :::yawn::::

Getting back to my brain fart er I mean wave. large floating ice making machines at the mouths of all the rivers , run by hydroelectricity of course, or coal whatevers handiest. Thousands of them dispensing foot long ice cubes into the ocean's currents. the seas cool doon the air cools doon and finally we might get some snow, can any of yous remember what snow looks like? for fucks sake its been so long, "DAMN YOU GLOBAL WARNING", to be honest I'm not sure I believe its that serious a problem, over population is, but my mass extermination plans as a means to save the environment always get me investigated by the Peelers.
Throw Ice cube into the sea as well, couldn't hurt, well it would hurt him but I'm not caring so much.

Now I have to contact Richard Branson who has put up 25 million dollars for anyone to make a machine to stop global warming , 25 mil isn't that much considering what a dollar gets you these days and they only give you 5 mil up front and the rest after 10 successful years , lucky I have me pensions and if I drain the blood out of enough runaways and proper sacrifices etc I should last 10 more years, the dollar had better be worth something then.
In about 15 or 20 years with the aid of make up Matt Damon will be able to play me in the story of my life, not a movie for all the family to see, no wait if young children can be taken to see the Passion of Christ to make them better Christians then they can see me banging Helen Mirren and getting head from Judi Dench, they might learn a thing or two, I just hope Matt can get my climax face right.