Wednesday, March 14, 2007

We Don't Even Have 300 Nukes.

When the Persians came up the back passage way only 300 Scottish Spartans stood in their way with their big hard spears and Tridents, well ok they may have all been killed, oops did I just spoil the film for ya?

In a move reminiscent of the Clinton era but only with bad teeth and cockney accents the Conservatives backed the labour government and got a bill to update Britain's nuclear Trident missile system approved. The earlier plan to have sharks with the fricking laser beams attached to their heads was deemed quite silly.
The idea is to have submarines to fire the nukes as you can sneakily deploy them anywhere in the world to get to any target. Its now going to take 17 years to plan the construction of the submarines and find the lowest bidder to build them. Four government officials resigned over this, c'mon wise up, in 17 years there will be mimi nukes fired from rocket cars, the whole sub idea will be obsolete by then, I just laughed when the Tories backed labour, I love Tony Blair hes not a feel good wimp and hes actually still doing his job even though hes leaving soon.

Yeah yeah I know oh we shouldn't have nukes anyway if we want the rest of the world not to build them, well if we gave up ours you just know the Germans would try it on again. Did anyone notice the big deal about Israel quietly muttering that they have 200 nukes? no cos there wasn't a big deal, different rules for Israel, for fucks sake that's 15 more than the UK.
I remember the whole greenham common protest with the Cruise missiles, that was before he went nuts and jumped on the sofa. If you're going to be a proactive cuntry or think the US will invade to liberate yer oil then you should have nukes.