Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Who Ate All The Pies?

No really I'm not running for President, absolutely not, no way would I have yer vote if I did ?

I have ignored Al Gore for a while now but since seeing the Oscars and how the beautiful but poorly educated stars sucked up to him hes really gotten on my goat.
Yeah hes trendy and so is his cause so the Liberals with their crocodile tears will flock to him, don't get me wrong as much as the rubber spined Liberals annoy me so do the meat headed Conservatives both have the sense of a box of frogs.

Gore fled the world stage after beaten by Bush in the election (a victory is a victory no matter how its achieved) he grew a beard and reinvented himself like Madonna, once considered a boring old cunt he set his boring life of jet setting (fuck yer global footprints) to dramatic music and made a documentary much in the style of Michael Moore.
You can tell Gore loves the environment as the fat fucker takes up so much of it.

Gore's Oscar has clay feet, his 20 room, heated swimming mansion in Nashville was found to have used up 20 times more than the national average of electricity for the year 2006.
Maybe I begrudge him for living like a king and owning two big posh hooses and trying to tell the rest of us to reduce our power consumption or maybe I know a cunt when I see one.