Friday, March 23, 2007

Is It My Turn To Drop The Soap?

15 Royal Navy men from HMS Cornwall, who were on a routine patrol in Iraqi waters inspecting merchant ships were surrounded by sea going camel jockeys of the Iranian flavour and taken to an Iranian base along the Shatt al-Arab waterway which not to worry anyone translates loosely as 'shit eating Arabs' as that's the scheißen video capital of the world.
The sailors boys weren't armed as the British government still supports the theory that all a cheeky Arab needs is a good cuff round the old ear and the rest will fall into line, this shows you that the Sandsavage is losing his fear and awe of the white man and his strange tea drinking ways, this lack of respect is probably due to the surge of Americans who have been visiting the area in the past 4 years.
I appeal to the British government to either arm our navy with Blackjacks,pokers or at least train them to give stern withering looks and carry an air of superiority while in savage lands.
You Iranians, hands off our lad's lads, what they do between themselves is fine, you touch them and Britain will be mightily pissed off, I am e-mailing Mahmoud and telling him to read this post as he may not have checked my Blog today with capturing semen and all.