Friday, March 9, 2007

Do You Take Plastic?

Warning graphic pictures ahead, if you are easily offended, disgusted by the human body or think a naked Barbie is a sinful barbie then please read on.

Would you let yer son play with dolls or is that not manly enough?

Dear Old Knudsen .

Should a little boy be allowed to play with dolls? our 5 year old son talks about nothing else since his older sister played Barbies with him.
His 6 th birthday is coming up and he says he wants a Mermaid barbie. We have not objected to "Danny" playing with dolls with girls as he has fun but when the boys play with him they are usually too rough and he gets picked on, what should we do?

Confused parent in Aberdeen.

Dear confused parent.

By all means let Danny play with the dolls as he sounds like a sensitive gentle lad and that should be nurtured, not all strength is brute strength.
A lot of boys never give up playing with dolls as you shall read further on.
You must however teach Danny to knock the fuck out of the bullies as laid out in my book 101 fighting technics for children, its no longer on the shelves due to the graphic cage fight pictures but I'm sure the Amazons dot coms have a few copies. Also if you're worried about Danny turning out ghey don't be, its perfectly normal and can also be repressed somewhat by 3 weeks of intense Protestant therapy so he can have a shell of a marriage, spoil the lives of his children with a nasty divorce but at least your neighbours are sure be happy with his respectability.

"By the power of Christ I compel you to be straight", you tell them John Knox, if you don't know what God wants then no one knows.

Adult men still do play with dolls, they give them a life of their own, refer to them as their gurlfriends, even carrying a picture of their dolls in their wallets. The dolls are so life like at first glance you could easily be fooled, these sad fuckers some of which have either never had gurlfriends or have decided that 'organic weemen' are not for them, they like to control things and would probably shit themselves if they talked to a real life female.
A question to all my fellow necrophiliacs, would these dolls do it for you?

A very dodgy area to think of weemen and even men as playthings to be done with as yer whims decree, not a far leap to real life sexual predators in my humble opinion, when you devalue life as such evil will soon follow. Of Course that doesn't apply to us sensible ones that do the guy thing of just wanting to stick their dicks into things from Vacuum cleaners ot melons ............ so I hear.

I believe I have found the perfect woman for Dive, meet Mai for about 7 grand she could be yer new gurlfriend, she doesn't talk much so you don't need to continue with yer Jap Language lessons.

The sex dolls are sexier than Barbies if you're into humping plastic, it would just remind be of my 7th wife to be honest as she had the fake boobies that were as hard as rock, the last time I heard about her was that she exploded on an aeroplane to Spain, like a fragment grenade going off 8 people injured tit everywhere, she was held under guard in Spain until they were sure she wasn't a suicide bomber.

Action man here seems quite well built. I can't see weemen going for this sort of crap so I guess men would buy them.

Anyone for dead hooker sex?

Amazing, Amanda here has the expression of a stoned crack hoor.

When I get the money together I'm going to have Molly here who works at the local Newsagents turned into a dolly so we'll always be together. I'm so fucking romantic sometimes.

Here are some questions and answers about the love dolls.

Question: Tell me more about REALDOLL's breasts.

We use a special formulation of silicone which has a gelatinous consistency. This special silicone gel is used inside REALDOLL's breasts to make them look, feel, and bounce like real breasts. The silicone gel is cured silicone rubber and is completely dry -- not a liquid. REALDOLL's breasts cannot leak.

Question: Can I draw on the doll's flesh with permanent ink markers?

Generally, nothing sticks to silicone -- not even permanent ink. However, certain inks may cause staining, so test applications are advised.

Old Knudsen: What kind of fucking idiot pays 7 grand for a sex doll and then draws on them?

Question: Do you offer a payment plan?


Old Knudsen: For fucks sake, no £2.50 for 38 weeks on this one.

Question: What is the price for a REALDOLL?

The Standard female REALDOLL is $6499.00. The Male Realdoll is $6999.00. Shipping is $500 within the continental United States, and generally $850.00 international. Complete information about ordering can be found on our orders page.

Question: When will you offer a SHE-MALE REALDOLL?

We have sold a few custom made "She-male" and/or Hermaphrodite dolls. For photos of these and some of our other "special projects", please visit our studio page. Custom dolls such as these vary in price depending on requirements and are handled on a case by case basis.

Question: I want to bathe and shower with my doll.

Is there anything I need to be careful about, like water temperature or duration? Silicone rubber can withstand over 400 degrees of heat. You can soak REALDOLL in a hot bath, or put her under an electric blanket to give it lifelike body heat. REALDOLL's silicone flesh retains heat very efficiently.

Question: Can you pull on her nipples hard without fear of tearing them?

Yes, within reason. REALDOLL's nipples can withstand approximately 400% elongation before tearing.

Old Knudsen: why would you pull on a dolls nipples? to get excited at it's reaction?