Friday, March 16, 2007

Why Can't Ya Just Bend Over And Take It Like The Welsh Did?

Adams grapples with a Knudsenite sans cap.

Fighting erupted in South Belfast's lower Ormeau road today. The annual pilgrimage to the former home of Old Knudsen which is marked by the plaque "Old Knudsen shat here" was marred by protests from bitter Taigs and angry Fenians who claim that Old Knudsen's recent posts on the run up to St Patrick's day have been racist and hateful and make the Irish out to be 4th class citizens (the Welsh are above them) who are a bit thick or 'tick' as they would pronounce it.
Gerry Adams the Sinn Fein leader gathered his usual gang from all over Belfast to protest on the Ormeau road. They held up signs that said "flag the hater" and "lower the price on beer". The peaceful protest soon escalated into violence when one of the Knudsenites (all of whom wear flat caps and old man masks and carry fake wooden legs) shouted to the crowd " if ya don't like it click next blog ya stupid Bogtrotters " to this Gerry Adams angrily shouted, "suck my Fenian cock" and charged at the police line that separated the two groups.
The pilgrimage commission will meet on July the 14th to discuss the route the Knudsenites take when they step off the bus and cross the road to the abandoned blocked up hoose to celebrate the greatest Blogger of all time.

Old Knudsen commented earlier "why do birds suddenly appear, everytime you are near?" it seems he just got a refill on his medication.

I suspect the Fenians are using ringers.

Tune in for more alcohol fueled hate tomorrow on St Paddy's day when Old Knudsen asks the question, "Was that St Patrick fella a cunt or what?"